Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hawks and signs

I love hawks. For some reason I have always felt a connection with them. When they made their comeback on Long Island I was very happy. Many times on our way home from work I would spot a hawk either soaring or perched atop a light pole. I would always point them out to Frankie…even interrupt our conversations to bring attention to it.
Frankie was patient but didn’t miss the opportunity to break my chops. Looking at me with that look he had, half smiling and saying “Okay Hawk Man!”
Since the day after his passing, hawks have made appearances in our family and friends yards, perched on decks, etc. in places that you would not expect to see them.
Tonight was the ultimate sighting for me. On my way home from work, driving east on the Northern State Parkway, I spotted a hawk flying out of the woods to my left. It flew across the westbound lanes towards my car on the eastbound side. When it reached my vehicle it veered to its left and flew parallel to my car.   Not a strange thing normally, however this hawk was flying low. Just barely above my car. And it kept turning its head and looking at me. I smiled and thanked brother hawk for the insight that a message was coming and it flew upwards out of sight. Just up ahead the traffic came to a complete stop. I sat there in my car waiting to move and lo and behold, the hawk landed on my hood. We sat there for a few seconds, staring at each other. It seemed like an eternity. I moved, and it flew away into the woods.

I cannot explain this at all. It is by far the strangest and most heartwarming thing that has ever happened to me. Definitely a sign!
Thanks Frankie!!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Hey Ruiz!!

Hey Pal

Been a while since I posted. Things have been kinda rough lately...been thinking of you a lot! Mom is struggling terribly and I, well I feel that my feeling of the loss of you is increasing.

I was remembering things the other day. I guess reminiscing is a better word.
Don't know how you started, but one day you started calling Ruiz instead of Dad. Of course you also called me Dad, Daddy when you were concerned about something, but Ruiz was what you called me when you wanted my attention. And yes you got it! LOL

You also called me Pops...and you know, it seems like all if not most of your friends call me that now. Well close friends anyway :) I have to tell you that I like it. It so reminds me of you.

I speak to you all the time Frankie and I would like to think that you hear me. Most of the time I speak to you with my mind and others I speak to you out loud,....verbally.
And you sometimes I hear you reply. I see you in my minds eye...bigger than life and I smile. And other times there is nothing but silence. And I understand that too.

When I get replies from you there is a specific feeling when I believe it's genuine. There is also a feeling when I feel like it's just me creating a response. I am really getting good at discerning between the two.

Please continue to reach out to us if you are or can.,,,,,Please!

Love you Frankie

Pops A.K.A. Ruiz
